The other day, I was looking through some old work.
I came across my line drawings of inspiring women that I did for Inktober 2016. My subjects are inspiring for what they have done, and continue to do, to help develop our world to a better, kinder, fairer place. I could add so many new portraits to that project. I am happy that our voices are getting louder. Perhaps I will revisit it again sometime.
While browsing the pictures, I remembered that next month International Women’s Day comes around again, on the 8th March. This year the theme is:
An equal world is an enabled world.
It is the 21st Century and yet we still need to rally and continue the fight for equity and equality. International Women’s Day focuses on this and there are so many ways to get involved. Pop on over to their website to see how you can get involved and help get our voices heard.
We must continue to campaign to remove the prejudices, barriers and injustices that blight so many lives: we can all have an impact on how this world changes.
Mother's Day is coming up
My Inktober project focused on famous women that I find inspiring. However, I do not forget that I stand on the shoulders of many unsung women - my mother, my grandmothers and their mothers, who were not famous or well-known, but nevertheless important, for they conquered the everyday.
I am looking forward to celebrating Mother’s Day, with my mum on Sunday 22nd March, and International Women’s Day, on Sunday 8th March, with our worldwide family.
I hope you will join me in saying a big thank you to our mothers and all those women who went before us – I am sure we would not have the opportunities available to us now, if it wasn’t for all they have done.