Hurrah! It has been a while since I designed a Valentine’s Day card. I think it has been three years since my last collection. I am always unprepared for Valentine’s after the Christmas rush and readjustment in January. One of my New Year goals is to ‘create more products often’. My goal is to create at least one product per month. I think that having a straightforward goal will help me succeed.
I knew that I wanted to start off with something botanical. I have loads of ideas in one of my many sketchbooks, and one day I went through them all to refresh my memory. I ended up with 13 rough drafts and produced four new designs out of it!
I am so pleased with my new Valentine's Day cards. When I first received the cards, my excited yelp scared poor Bonnie! My favourite of the cards keeps changing every time I look at them but at the moment I think it’s my I Want To Grow Old With You card, which is inspired by the large form Monstera Deliciosa in my bedroom. Or it could be my Love You Sweetheart Plant card - I just love the pink colour injected in the design!
We may still be in lockdown during Valentine’s Day; I hope lovers around the world will be able to kindle romance at home. Perhaps if your home or your partner’s is full of plants like mine, one of these cards would be perfect to set the mood!