Today I am excited to share an art process video of my Plants Are Magic illustration.

I painted Plants Are Magic a couple of weeks ago. The idea of painting an illustration based on this phrase has been floating around in my head since last year, and I decided to finally sit down and translate the idea to paper. What I have created is not quite what I envisaged, which does happen often with all the ideas I don’t act on quickly enough – my expectations have changed and the ‘fresh eyes’ are gone. At the end of the day though, I still love it!

To my surprise, when I did my usual routine of sharing the illustration on my socal media and collecting feedback, this illustration received a whopping 800 likes, several comments, and shares from plant loving friends on Instagram.

I seldom record videos of my art process but I want to make more in the future. I thought it’d make a great way to connect with my audience and show how I paint my work, and interestingly it is also quite educational for me because watching myself paint makes me aware of how I navigate across the illustration and think about what I would do differently next time!

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