If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I’ve been painting greenhouses! As a plant lover, I naturally enjoy visiting greenhouses and last year I decided that I want to create more greenhouse paintings for my shop. So I’ve made efforts to visit more, and most recently made a day trip to the University of Leicester Botanic Garden to visit theirs!
I collected all the best greenhouse photos I have taken and picked one to paint. It was daunting to get started and I procrastinated because I wasn’t confident I would be able to pull it off, but a few weeks ago I sat down at my painting table, ignored the Fear, and got finally started. Looking back I wish I had just got stuck in instead of putting it off for so long!
The end result two days later was a confusion. It was a mixture of:
Did I paint it?
I like it but I don’t like it either.
I beat my Fear?
This is not my style?
Wow, I really painted a scene!
After getting some feedback from my partner and Instagram followers, I came around and now I feel that it is a lovely piece. Because of popular demand I decided to get it printed, so it is now available as A4 and A3 prints!
Last week I painted a Cacti Scene from another of my greenhouse snaps. I had a dilemma whether to add a background or not… and I haven’t decided yet! Here’s hoping that I continue to push Fear aside and paint more greenhouses. I am excited to see how this collection will grow.