September wasn't my good month in terms of painting every single day. I had to miss 5 days because of my road trip to Idar Oberstein, Germany with my sister - she needed to collect her stuff from where she used to live as she now lives in Bristol working as an Assistant Producer for BBC See Hear (read her awesome article on BBC Blog). As it was just me driving 10 hours each way, I didn't find time to draw - I was too focussed on resting my eyes and stretching my legs when I wasn't driving.

However I do really love what I've painted throughout September. I continued painting countrysides from my Peak District photos, and challenged myself to paint portraits in watercolour (I usually paint portraits with oil so for me painting portraits with watercolour is SO hard!) Like many, I am obsessed with the new TV series, Stranger Things and thought it'd be fun to paint the characters. Portraits above are two of the main characters, Eleven and Joyce Byers. I've got Barb, Chief Hopper, Dustin and few others on my list waiting to be painted! I am also making it my ongoing project - to paint my favourite TV characters with watercolour.
I've been sketching mushrooms too. I am warming up to start painting a series of British wild mushrooms, and I might turn them into a print if they go well. Keep your eyes out at my Instagram for work in progress snaps!