In August, I was finishing my butterfly series and as many of you know, I turned them into a print. Read all about them here. Small tortoiseshell butterfly in particular (1st picture above) seemed to be the favourite. I had a few print requests when I shared the picture on my Instagram. I love that one of the customers actually bought it for her son's bedroom because his first ever sign (as in sign language) is 'butterfly' and she sent me a photo of it framed, which looks really pretty.
In my last daily art post, I talked about setting myself a challenge, to step outside my comfort zone when painting, so I've been painting countryside views from photos I took in Peak District. They are not the greatest but when I finished it (3rd picture above), I was pretty chuffed with it! It was my first landscape painting after all. It was hard and time consuming I wasn't confident while painting it and then with fresh eyes, I was like OH that is lovely! I want to continue this intention to challenge myself every now and then.
In related (AND exciting) news, one of my illustrations has 'made it' in the tattoo world! My line drawing, drawn from still life, of eucalyptus was chosen by a young lady that found me in Instagram and had the top part of said illustration inked on her back. I couldn't be more touched to know that there's someone that love my work enough to have it inked. Here's a picture of my eucalyptus illustration for comparsion.