I have always liked screen-printed cotton bags and really wanted to create one using my designs, but as it was not a vector-based file my Plants Are Magic watercolour illustration was never suitable. I also didn’t know how to make vector drawings. I tried a few times before, using my old Adobe Illustrator software, but I couldn’t get to grips with it at all!
By complete coincidence I recently purchased a drawing tablet for personal use and discovered that most drawing apps have a vector feature, so when you draw something on a tablet it will turn into a vector drawing automatically! What a revelation! It opens lots of exciting possibilities when it comes to designing products. Leading on from this discovery, I picked up the idea of a Plants Are Magic tote bag product again and gave it some further thought.
I decided I would redraw my Plants Are Magic illustration, tweaking the design a little so it would look better as a vector drawing. I was aiming for a simple white line drawing on a green bag.
Vector is new to me and it has taken a bit of trial and error to get the result I want. While it can be frustrating at times, the challenge it presented is actually one of the fun parts of my business. Every time I face obstacles and come up against problems to solve, I know it is worth the effort as the practice means I will improve for the next time.
I really love this new product and I am incredibly proud of it. I adore this shade of green and the lightweight cotton texture is gorgeous but still sturdy enough for everyday use.
Very cute Katrina!