I have one big goal for the new year.
I am painting every single day in 2016. I don’t usually paint every day because with running a business, I have a lot more things to do than just to paint but this year I am going to make time to paint every day.
I can hear you ask why? Well, I am an extremely slow painter. Because it usually takes me a month to complete a commission, I wasn’t earning as much as I should so I wanted to practise to paint faster without compromising quality. I hope that this project to paint a piece just for an hour daily will force me to learn how to paint faster, to be a confident painter basically. I have the whole year to commit so I hope that at the end of the year I will be able to paint a beautiful portrait in a week or two!
I won’t be doing this alone. I signed up to a course run by Crystal Moody, called A Year of Creative Habits. I am in Facebook group with the rest of participants and it has been fantastic so far introducing each other and sharing our pictures. I am also receiving well-written, motivational and inspiring emails from Crystal herself.
I will be painting still life, foliage or portraits with oil or watercolour, and sharing pictures across social media, my Instagram mainly.
Knowing that I will be needing some days off sometimes in the next few months due to our big move this February, I gave myself a permission to draw if time is limited and I did! Whilst out house hunting on the other day, I managed to draw something for 15 minutes on the train and it felt good to be able to be creative everywhere.
You will be able to follow my painting-a-day project using this hashtag on Instagram – #ksdailyart. You can see the rest of participants’ daily work with this hashtag – #yoch2016.
I would love to have a weekly project as well but I haven’t thought about what it is going to be. Do you have a big goal this year, and what is it?