As you may know or may not know, I recently collaborated with a natural dyer and designer, Rebecca to finish her much anticipated e-book by handlettering the main title and section titles. She was looking for natural and relaxed style of handlettering and she thought that my style would be perfect. I asked her to pick one of my handlettered quotes she liked the most so I could have it on hand to maintain consistency throughout her e-book.

I first tried a few different brush pens and discussed with Rebecca, making sure we are on the same page and that I understood exactly what she was looking for. She was a fantastic person to work with - she was fast to respond my emails, and was very clear with what she wanted so the creative process was a breeze.

Reading her e-book after its recent launch, it is beautifully designed and full of useful advice about natural dyeing - from gathering plants to equipment & safety to colour fastness. It would make a handy reading material for beginners natural dyer and being keen to try out natural dyeing myself, I would definitely recommend it. Personally, a good design is important to me too so this e-book is even more special with stunning photos and clear layouts. So if you are also interested, buy her e-book here.

I think it is clear that I am really honoured to be given an opportunity to do a big handlettering related commission and to be a part of this amazing e-book!